Edson Digital


Qual o café mais caro do mundo?

A busca pelo café perfeito

O café é uma das bebidas mais populares do mundo. Seja para começar o dia com energia ou para relaxar no fim da tarde, não há nada como uma boa xícara de café. Mas para os verdadeiros amantes da bebida, encontrar o café perfeito é uma busca constante. E para alguns, isso significa encontrar o café mais caro do mundo.

Do campo à xícara

Antes de chegar à sua xícara, o café passa por um longo processo. Começa na plantação, onde os grãos são colhidos manualmente ou com o auxílio de máquinas. Depois, os grãos são lavados e secos ao sol. Em seguida, são torrados em altas temperaturas para desenvolver o sabor e aroma característicos do café.

O processo de torrefação

O processo de torrefação é crucial para o sabor do café. O tempo e a temperatura determinam se o café terá um sabor mais suave ou mais forte. Os grãos também podem ser torrados em diferentes níveis, do claro ao escuro. Cada tipo de torrefação produz um sabor diferente.

A importância da origem do grão

A origem do grão também é importante para o sabor do café. Existem diferentes variedades de café, cada uma com um sabor e aroma únicos. Alguns dos países mais famosos por seus cafés são Brasil, Colômbia, Etiópia e Costa Rica.

Café Kopi Luwak: o mais caro do mundo

O café Kopi Luwak é considerado o mais caro do mundo. Originário da Indonésia, esse café é produzido a partir das fezes de um animal chamado civeta. Os grãos de café são consumidos pelo animal e, depois de digeridos, são eliminados nas fezes. Os grãos são então coletados, lavados e torrados.

Como é produzido o Kopi Luwak

A produção do Kopi Luwak é extremamente trabalhosa. Como os animais só comem os melhores grãos, é necessário coletar as fezes manualmente. Além disso, a produção é limitada, já que só é possível coletar uma pequena quantidade de grãos por vez.

O sabor inigualável do Kopi Luwak

O sabor do Kopi Luwak é descrito como suave e levemente amargo, com notas de chocolate e caramelo. Muitos amantes de café afirmam que o sabor é inigualável e que vale a pena o preço exorbitante.

Preço exorbitante: vale a pena?

O preço do Kopi Luwak varia de acordo com a qualidade e a quantidade dos grãos. Mas em média, uma xícara de Kopi Luwak pode custar até 100 dólares. Para muitos, o preço é justificado pelo sabor único e pela raridade do café. Mas para outros, o preço é simplesmente absurdo.

Alternativas de cafés especiais

Para quem não quer gastar uma fortuna em uma xícara de café, existem diversas opções de cafés especiais mais acessíveis. Cafés orgânicos, de origem certificada e de torrefação artesanal são algumas das opções disponíveis. Cada uma dessas opções tem um sabor e aroma únicos.

O prazer de uma boa xícara de café

Independentemente do preço ou da origem, o café é uma bebida que traz prazer e conforto a milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo. Seja um café simples ou um café especial, o importante é apreciar a bebida e valorizar todo o trabalho que envolve a produção do grão. E quem sabe, talvez um dia você possa experimentar o Kopi Luwak e descobrir por si mesmo se vale a pena o preço exorbitante.

O café é uma bebida que faz parte da nossa cultura e tradição. Ele é consumido em todos os cantos do mundo e tem um sabor e aroma únicos. Seja um café simples ou um café especial, o importante é apreciar a bebida e desfrutar do momento. E quem sabe, talvez um dia você possa experimentar o Kopi Luwak e descobrir por si mesmo se vale a pena o preço exorbitante. Mas independentemente do preço ou da origem, o que importa é o prazer de uma boa xícara de café.

As 10 melhores dicas de marketing médico que aprendi em 10 anos

10 anos de experiência em marketing médico

Como profissional de marketing médico, aprendi muito ao longo dos últimos 10 anos. O campo da saúde é único e desafiador em muitos aspectos, mas também pode ser muito gratificante. Neste artigo, compartilharei as 10 melhores dicas que aprendi ao longo do caminho para ajudar outros profissionais de marketing médico a alcançar o sucesso.

1. Conheça seu público-alvo: pacientes e referentes

Conhecer o público-alvo é a base de qualquer estratégia de marketing médico. É importante entender as necessidades e preocupações dos pacientes, bem como os referentes (médicos que podem encaminhar pacientes para a sua clínica). Compreender esses dois grupos ajuda a criar campanhas de marketing mais eficazes e direcionadas.

2. Crie uma presença digital forte e consistente

Hoje em dia, a maioria das pessoas procura informações sobre saúde na internet. Por isso, é essencial criar uma presença digital forte e consistente para a sua clínica. Certifique-se de ter um site profissional, atualizado e fácil de navegar, além de perfis em redes sociais relevantes.

3. Invista em conteúdo de qualidade e relevante

O conteúdo é a base do marketing de conteúdo, que é uma das estratégias mais eficazes para o marketing médico. Invista em conteúdo de qualidade e relevante, como blogs, vídeos e infográficos, que ajudem a educar os pacientes e a estabelecer sua clínica como uma autoridade no assunto.

4. Use as redes sociais a seu favor

As redes sociais são uma ferramenta poderosa para o marketing médico. Use plataformas como Facebook, Instagram e LinkedIn para conectar-se com pacientes, referentes e outros profissionais de saúde. Compartilhe conteúdo útil e interaja com seus seguidores de forma regular.

5. Faça parcerias estratégicas e networking

Fazer parcerias estratégicas e networking com outros profissionais de saúde pode ajudar a expandir a sua prática médica. Procure por oportunidades de colaboração com médicos de outras especialidades, farmácias, laboratórios e outros provedores de saúde.

6. Seja acessível e mantenha um bom relacionamento com pacientes

Manter um bom relacionamento com os pacientes é fundamental para o sucesso do marketing médico. Seja acessível, responda prontamente às perguntas e preocupações dos pacientes e certifique-se de fornecer um atendimento de qualidade.

7. Invista em publicidade online e offline

A publicidade é uma forma eficaz de promover sua clínica médica. Considere investir em publicidade online, como anúncios no Google ou nas redes sociais, bem como em publicidade offline, como cartazes, folhetos e anúncios em jornais ou revistas locais.

8. Monitore sua reputação online e responda aos comentários

Os pacientes hoje em dia têm o poder de avaliar e compartilhar suas experiências com outras pessoas na internet. Por isso, é importante monitorar sua reputação online e responder prontamente aos comentários dos pacientes, tanto positivos quanto negativos.

9. Aprenda com seus concorrentes e acompanhe as tendências do mercado

Observar seus concorrentes e acompanhar as tendências do mercado pode ajudá-lo a melhorar sua estratégia de marketing médico. Fique de olho no que seus concorrentes estão fazendo e experimente novas táticas de marketing para se manter à frente da concorrência.

10. Analise seus resultados e ajuste sua estratégia de acordo

Por fim, é importante analisar regularmente os resultados de suas campanhas de marketing e ajustar sua estratégia de acordo. Meça o retorno sobre o investimento e identifique o que está funcionando e o que não está para melhorar continuamente sua estratégia.

O sucesso do marketing médico exige dedicação e estratégia.

O marketing médico pode ser desafiador, mas seguindo essas 10 dicas, você pode criar uma estratégia de marketing eficaz que ajude a expandir sua prática médica e a estabelecer sua clínica como uma autoridade no assunto. Lembre-se de que o sucesso do marketing médico exige dedicação e estratégia, mas os resultados valem a pena.

IELTS Writing Task 2 – Overpopulation in most developing countries in Asia and Africa is a problem. If these countries do not try to control the population immediately, they will face serious problems.

What are your suggestions to control the population?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

It all started in Africa. After it humans moved to Asia and from there to the rest of the world. That said, it’s not a surprise that these continents are overpopulated. What really susprises from a logical point of view (at least it sounds logical to me since the longer you are in the game the better you are on it) is how many parts of these lands have low development regarding education, food and sanitary conditions. Some people even say that population growth should be controlled in these areas and that’s what we are going to talk about today.

When we talk about population control probably the first country that comes to our mind is China since they are well know for their 1 child per couple policy. And that’s not something new. This birth control tatic imposed by the government is about 50 years old. The main reasons politicians plead is that The Great Wall country has limited resources and if they don’t control the population all the chinese system will colapse one day. It seems to be working since China’s economy is almost taking first place from the US.

After China it’s quite possibly India has the second largest population, not only in Asia and Africa, but also on the entire world. Different from sino people, indians don’t really ever implemented birth control rules. That can be one of the reasons that led many regions of the country and millions of people to extremy poverty.

Science fiction often deals with real life situations. That’s exactly what happened on the Avengers movie where (the villain) Tanous’ masterplan was to kill half of the people and other living beings on the universe and to “restore balance” as himself said. The motivation was in fact that, again, resources were limited and in a certain period of time, if this action wasn’t taken, all the universe would eventually come to an end. Sounds very extreme but if you do the math it’s crystal clear that having half of the population we have in Africa and Asia would also cut on half the depletion of supplies upgrading life condition for those who were left.

IELTS Writing Task 2 – In the past, lectures were the traditional method of teaching large numbers of students in a classroom. Nowadays new technology is increasingly being used to teach students.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this new approach in teaching?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Knowledge can be transmitted in many ways, but orally and writenly are the most common forms. Both continue being used nowadays and they tend to go on for a long time (maybe forever). The point is: will it keep flowing from one to many, as it is in schools and univertisties, or there will be drastic changes in this model? Keep with me until the end of this essay and we will find out together.

The other day I was talking to my wife about how education hasn’t changed much in years (or decades). That was totally clear to me when last year we took our 4 year old boy to a traditional school in our city: it’s basically the same model it used to be 30 years ago, when I was at school. I even enquired the principal about it saying “so, nothing has changed in 30 years?” and to my surprise he said “yes, we are a traditional school”. It was (and is) the good and old “one to many method”, which means primarely one teacher teaching many students at the same time.

As everybody knows, since last year we had this whole world misfortune called COVID-19 and that, besides other things, forced teachers and educational instutions to try new technological approaches. One of them is remote classes via video conferences. Some good points about it to learners and educators are that you can stay at home, no need to comute to another place and no need brush your teeth since you are not going to meet anyone face to face (just kidding).

On the other side it’s easy to say that for small children (just like my son Theo) they seem to lose more than they could win. Children at his age do need to have contact with other kids because that is also another way of learning. Also, in most cases, it’s much more difficult for these kids to adapt to having classes using a computer, tablet or smartphone since it’s harder to keep them concentrated and looking at a screen for hours. This remote learning system, which could be more individualized than the regular path, also puts more responsability on parents, since they have to be with their young ones the whole time during the classes.

Einstein said once that “madness is doing the same thing and hoping for different results”. If by one hand it’s good to see things in education are changing on the other one it’s easy to notice that’s still far from a perfect system. Things will need to be adapted and will vary from teacher to teacher and student to student. In other words what may work for one, may not work to another. The final situation is that we are trying differents things and for sure we will get to different, and probably better, results we have today,

IELTS Writing Task 2 – Modern music

Many people believe that modern music can have a negative impact on the young. Others believe the effect of modern music is positive.

Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

Music is certainly something most of people cannot live without. At least, I am one these. I am not sure how it all started but I know that what kept it going was the beat and how it connected to the heart of men, women, boys and girls of different ages, countries and cultures. Nowadays some people think modern music (or should I say contemporary music?), specially hits, can hit the youngsters heart, mind and soul in a really bad manner. Others may think that it can boost this generation on positive vibes. Well, as you already could see, this story has at least two sides and that´s what we are going to talk about in the next few lines, so keep up with me.

When I think about the negative side of music that play on the radio nowadays it instantly comes to my mind what we call pop music. And pop music is almost entirely related to teenagers and younger adults. The main point is that the lyrics of this music style are, not to mention anything worse, vague. They are empty. I could even say in a poetic way that they are “full of nothing”. And that´s something quite easy to notice: just tune in to your local pop radio station or try to find the pop playlist on Spotify. What you are going to listen to is mainly songs about sex, violence and broken hearts. I really don’t think it adds up to anyone’s life, no matter if the person is young or old .

Of course, something good must be found even on something that is bad. This may sound a little like ying yang, but it is true. Usually the mainstream music in our days have a high BPM, which stands for beats per minute. That´s what make you feel excited and energetic when you listen to some songs. And feeling this way is really good, isn’t it? Specially when you need to focus on a specific task, or running or exercising. Some researches even say that listening to high BPM music, just like pop or eletronic music, is like getting a super charge of endorphine.

In my humble opinion I’m not qualified to judge anyone for their music taste or even to say if something’s good or not for them. What I can really point out is that whatever you listen to you are feeding your body and your spirit with it. This way, my recommendation and what I do when the subject is music, is try to find balance between good lyrics and a nice beat.

You recently ordered a small item online but when it arrived it was unusable.

Writing task 1 – You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. Write at least 150 words.

Write a letter to the company that sold you the item. In the letter:

  •  give details about the order you made
  •  explain what was wrong with the item
  •  tell the company what you want them to do about it

Hello there guys from Deal Extreme!

A few days ago I purchased a tyni tiny pig keychain on your ecommerce. It was the white one with pink nose, not the black one. I can tell you this is the cuttest gadget I’ve ever got since on the online pictures that you advertised and on the videos other customers posted on your website it show there’s a led light that comes out the pig nose (isn’t it awesome?).

Well, unfortunatelly… for some reason, the light on my pig just didn’t work which made me fell totally frustrated. At first I thought it should have just ran out of battery (although they should be fully charged), but even after I swaped them for some new ones it still didn’t work.

I normally would ask for a full refund for the item but, as I really loved it and I feel I can’t live without that cute pig hanging on my backpack would you kindly send me a new keychain as the you noticed that mine was dead on arrival.

Thanks in advance!


Digital Marketing Vancouver: How I Ranked First on Google

Edson How did you rank first on Google for “Digital Marketing in Vancouver”?

Well, you many not believe but I started writing this post on my iPhone on August 13th, 2018 using WordPress app . When I started it I had no plan on what to write but I was sure that I wanted to rank first on Google for “Digital Marketing in Vancouver“.

Edit: it’s October, 19th (around 7:10 am) and I just figured out that the goal of this blog post is, besides ranking first on Google, to work as a case study and a step by step guide on how you can do this for any keyword you want (specially those related to your business).

And so it happened: it took me X years (I’m using X because I still haven’t ranked well enough) to get the first organic position on Google for Digital Marketing in Vancouver.

First things first

First thing I did was to check on Ubersuggest some data:

Digital Marketing Vancouver results on Ubersuggest
Digital Marketing Vancouver results on Ubersuggest

I also could have used Keyword.io or Google Ads Keyword Planner but at this momment Ubersuggest brings me all the info I need without having use copy and paste with sheets:

How many people look for Digital Marketing Vancouver on Google?

Currently the search volume for Digital Marketing Vancouver is of 480. That means nearly four hundred people search for this term monthly which is a very low number comparing to the search volume of “digital marketing” in Canada which is of 6600.

Digital Marketing Vancouver Search Volume for the Last 12 months
Digital Marketing Vancouver Search Volume for the Last 12 Months

Main searches related to Digital Marketing Vancouver

These are the top 27 related searches to Digital Marketing Vancouver I could find on Google:

  • digital marketing in vancouver
  • digital marketing vancouver
  • digital marketing agency vancouver
  • digital marketing agency in vancouver
  • digital marketing agencies vancouver
  • digital marketing vancouver courses
  • digital marketing jobs in vancouver
  • digital marketing vancouver jobs
  • digital marketing companies in vancouver
  • digital marketing companies vancouver
  • digital marketing consultant vancouver
  • digital marketing diploma vancouver
  • digital marketing agency vancouver canada
  • digital marketing jobs vancouver bc
    digital marketing specialist salary vancouver
  • digital marketing program vancouver
  • digital marketing courses in vancouver
  • digital marketing training vancouver
  • digital marketing conference vancouver
  • digital marketing vancouver bc
  • digital marketing internship vancouver
  • digital marketing north vancouver
  • invictus digital marketing group vancouver
  • invictus digital marketing vancouver
  • digital marketing specialist vancouver
  • digital marketing manager vancouver
  • digital marketing vancouver wa

As you can see most of them are related to agenciescourses and jobs.

It’s important to levarege these terms so you can understand better what people are looking for regarding the subject or keyword you are interested in. One important thing I have to tell you is that:

Everything people search for on Google is a “pain”, not a pain in the *ss, but rather a doubt or a problem that needs to be solved and your job is to help these people.

How do we solve problems?

It’s easy: you just have to make people find you or your clients when they need something. For example, when someone googles  digital marketing diploma vancouver, wouldn’t it awesome if the first result that this person find on Google was from a website that has courses that teach digital marketing? Actually, this is what this person want it be. They want to find the answer in a quick way, after all