Edson Digital


Google Ads for Doctors: from zero to new patients


Google Ads is a powerful online advertising platform that can help you reach new patients and grow your medical practice. With Google Ads, you can create ads that appear at the top of Google search results pages, on YouTube, and on other websites across the internet.

Google Ads is a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platform, which means that you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. This makes Google Ads a very cost-effective way to reach new patients.

In this blog post, we will walk you through the steps of setting up a Google Ads campaign for your medical practice. We will cover everything from creating your ad groups and keywords to setting your budget and tracking your results.

Step 1: Set Up Your Google Ads Account

The first step is to set up a Google Ads account. You can do this by visiting the Google Ads website and clicking on the “Start Now” button.

Once you have created an account, you will need to provide some basic information about your business, such as your name, address, and phone number. You will also need to choose a payment method.

Step 2: Choose Your Campaign Type

When you create a Google Ads campaign, you will need to choose a campaign type. There are three main campaign types: search, display, and video.

Search campaigns are the most common type of Google Ads campaign. With a search campaign, your ads will appear at the top of Google search results pages when someone searches for keywords that are related to your business.

Display campaigns allow you to show your ads on websites that are part of the Google Display Network. The Google Display Network is a network of millions of websites that reach billions of people every month.

Video campaigns allow you to show your ads on YouTube and other video-sharing websites.

Step 3: Create Your Ad Groups

Once you have chosen a campaign type, you will need to create ad groups. Ad groups are a way to organize your keywords and ads.

To create an ad group, you will need to give it a name and choose a set of keywords. You can also choose to include a negative keyword, which is a word or phrase that you don’t want your ad to show up for.

Step 4: Write Your Ads

Now it’s time to write your ads. Your ads should be clear, concise, and persuasive. They should also be relevant to the keywords that you have chosen.

Your ads should include a headline, a description, and a call to action. The headline should be catchy and attention-grabbing. The description should provide more information about your business and why someone should click on your ad. The call to action should tell people what you want them to do, such as “click here to learn more” or “call us today.”

Step 5: Set Your Budget

You will need to set a budget for your Google Ads campaign. Your budget will determine how much you are willing to spend each day on your ads.

Google Ads will automatically stop showing your ads when you reach your daily budget. This will help you avoid overspending.

Step 6: Review Your Campaign

Before you launch your campaign, it’s important to review it and make sure that everything is correct. You should check your keywords, ads, and budget to make sure that they are all aligned with your goals.

You should also review your campaign settings. These settings include things like your bidding strategy and your ad delivery method.

Step 7: Launch Your Campaign

Once you have reviewed your campaign and made sure that everything is correct, you can launch it.

When you launch your campaign, your ads will start appearing on Google search results pages, on YouTube, and on other websites across the internet.

Step 8: Track Your Results

It’s important to track the results of your Google Ads campaign so that you can see what’s working and what’s not.

Google Ads provides a variety of tools that you can use to track your results. These tools include things like the Google Ads dashboard and the Google Ads reports.

By tracking your results, you can make adjustments to your campaign to improve its performance.


Google Ads is a powerful online advertising platform that can help you reach new patients and grow your medical practice. By following the steps in this blog post, you can set up a Google Ads campaign that will help you achieve your goals.